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How to buy vouchers from Outlet Home
Select a voucher with your desired amount and put it in the shopping cart. After the purchase, the voucher will be sent to the e-mail address you specified in the order process as a separate e-mail with all the necessary data to the voucher.
You will receive a link in your e-mail that leads you to the print preview of the voucher. You can send this link as often as you like to any person of your choice. The e-mail and the printable version contain the necessary voucher code, which the recipient can redeem at the end of an order process. With the purchase of the voucher code, the voucher is immediately ready for redeeming.
The voucher will only be sent as a print version by e-mail. Therefore there are no shipping costs for you. If you did not receive the e-mail with the link to the print version of the voucher, please check your spam folder or contact our customer service via e-mail.
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